Customer Story: Weblio Philippines Inc. by Quinn Malloy | July 24, 2024 |  News

Customer Story: Weblio Philippines Inc.

Weblio Philippines Inc. is a leading provider of home-based tutoring services for Japanese clients, managing a network of over 2,000 tutors across the Philippines.
Weblio Showcase

To ensure the smooth delivery of thousands of lessons daily, Weblio needs to maintain constant and efficient communication with its tutors. This communication is critical for scheduling lessons, providing updates, and ensuring high-quality tutoring services. However, the manual calling process was time-consuming and hindered operational efficiency, prompting Weblio to seek a scalable and effective communication solution to streamline operations and enhance service quality.

Communication Challenges

Before adopting Voiso, Weblio’s manual calling process was time-consuming, with the team spending 2-3 hours daily contacting around 1,000 tutors. This method not only took up valuable time but also hampered productivity and efficiency. The need for a robust, scalable communication solution became evident as Weblio sought to streamline operations, improve communication effectiveness, and enhance service quality.

Boosted Efficiency and Insightful Adjustments

Voiso’s AI-powered dialer has been instrumental in increasing the Weblio team’s efficiency and daily call volume. By automating the dialing process, Weblio agents can easily contact 1,000 tutors in just one hour, encouraging them to apply for more lessons and giving them tips about how to be more effective teachers. Answering Machine Detection, meanwhile, enhances the Weblio team’s productivity by filtering out dead-end calls and allowing agents to focus on live conversations.

The detailed records from dialer campaigns provide invaluable insights into call performance and tutor engagement, enabling continuous strategy adjustments and efficient communication outcomes. The ability to set up dialer campaigns quickly during unexpected events, such as typhoons, ensures uninterrupted tutor engagement and lesson scheduling.

Improved Communication and Satisfaction

Since adopting Voiso, Weblio has seen significant improvements in communication efficiency and customer satisfaction. Their new, streamlined process enhances overall service quality, ensuring prompt and effective responses.

Ody Aporado, Dispatch Supervisor at Weblio, said, “We started using Voiso to streamline our tutor communications, and it has been a game-changer. Our efficiency has skyrocketed, and we can now manage our daily tasks with much greater ease.”

In Essence: Growth Achieved with Voiso

Weblio Philippines Inc.’s partnership with Voiso has substantially improved their communication efficiency and operational productivity. By leveraging Voiso’s advanced, time-saving features, Weblio has maintained high levels of tutor engagement and service quality, solidifying their position as a leader in the home-based tutoring industry for Japan.

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