Customer Story: Karma Hotels by Quinn Malloy | July 24, 2024 |  Voiso Success Stories

Customer Story: Karma Hotels

“100% of our bookings are made by phone. With Voiso automation, we grew from 15 agents into a 100+ employees omnichannel contact center operating across continents.” - David M Scheckter, Karma Group COO

Karma Hotels is an award-winning international chain of luxury resorts with significantly high sales demands, with Facebook lead generation and a large volume of outbound sales campaigns.

They previously had a manual system in place that took time and effort, making it a difficult task to provide the high-class, detailed, and personalized customer service their clients are entitled to. So their system was in need of a refresh.

Since the Karma team started using Voiso solutions, they have grown to over 145 contact center employees with teams in different regions, focusing on a high turnover of calls to book holidays and secure special guest programs. Keeping detailed info about their client base and the outcome of every interaction was a crucial part of managing a large number of loyal and committed clients, who in many cases had multi-year memberships.


#1 Time-consuming manual processes

We were using plain old telephones and we would round the telephones over a VoIP provider to get better call rates for many years in our Bali Call Center when we first started.

Before Voiso, calling was manual. Every one of Karma Hotels’ agents was given about 100 numbers a day for outbound sales calls. They would pick up the phone, dial the number, and then manually record the outcome with a pen and a piece of paper.

At the end of the day, they would hand in the piece of paper, which reported calls that didn’t answer, calls that were engaged, calls that weren’t interested, and also their successes. There were people whose job was specifically to count hundreds of pieces of paper from each of the agents, go through them one by one, and record the information.

But this was a laborious and time-consuming process with a huge margin for error. And with historical data about their leads being critical for their long-term membership clients program, this method was simply not viable.

#2 Minimal work process visibility

Having multiple call center agents with multiple pieces of paper made it a logistical impossibility to tell how effective the salespeople actually were. And with calls not being recorded or monitored properly, it was easy for agents to say that telephone numbers weren’t working or they couldn’t get through when in reality they just weren’t great at selling.

This meant that there was a large portion of potential customers who were being missed out on due to poor sales teams, which resulted in a loss of revenue and a setback in their overall growth.

#3 No historical data

Historical data about our leads is critical in our case, – our membership sales strategy is all about long-term proposals – but we had no effective system in place to make it work.

Most of Karma’s leads come through Facebook lead generation, followed up on through outbound calling. And with no efficient system to store the client information in place, the post-call strategy was falling through the cracks.

So if a lead was too young for membership at the time, they would just be forgotten. Or if their age meant they were unsuitable for a particular package, they weren’t offered a different package or enticed to become a member. Or if they weren’t in a position to go ahead with the holiday or membership at the time they would just not be contacted again.

There was simply no consistent analysis and follow-up plan, which for a business of Karma Hotels’ size was bound to eventually become untenable.

Enter Voiso

#1 Smooth automated workflow

With Voiso, the slow manual process was over. Automating the workspace significantly increased the number of calls, and the ability to pick out the bad numbers from call lists before the campaign starts also improved these results. Karma Hotels works worldwide and being a luxury hotel chain that closes 100% of its deals by phone, it needs to call as many numbers a day as the agents can – and now this was not a problem anymore.

Feature use:
HLR Lookup

HLR Lookup is a service that allows for real-time phone number validation and can help determine the subscriber’s current status in the mobile network. Agents can initiate a request through the call history in the WebRTC of the agent panel – and then use the call list cleared from the numbers that are unreachable.

#2 A clear picture of the team’s work

With Voiso’s Real-Time Call Center Dashboards that let the supervisors easily track their team’s performance and set metric goals for each agent, Karma’s managers now see every interaction result and detail. They also record calls to save these recordings in the archive.

Recording lets us easily monitor calls for quality assurance purposes, just to understand where we need to mentor and help people develop. It’s another big benefit of Voiso software.

Not to mention that it’s also quite an important step in the process of Karma’s lead management: to become a member of the club or to get a discount, Karma visitors have to prove they match several conditions over the phone, and the fact that these calls are being recorded plays an important role on the clarity of this deal.

Feature use:
Call recording and Sensitive Data Access Reports

Recording the calls is vital, and it’s no less important to be sure that the recordings are used by authorized personnel only. One feature that helps with this is historical reports that log user actions related to sensitive data and call records. The report is available to administrators, supervisors, admin, or QA specialists, who can see activities on customer call recordings.

#3 Customer info at hand with Zoho integration

We have smoothed our entire business process by integrating systems with the Voiso platform. For example, Facebook-generated leads drop into Zoho and are made available to Voiso, and the call outcome is then communicated back to Zoho.

With the majority of its leads coming through Facebook and spending a lot on FB ads, Karma Hotels needed to be able to easily integrate, and communicate between, multiple platforms. The chain has a loyal and growing client base, with many members committing to multi-year programs. This means making clients feel informed and guided is a vital job – as well as having all their info at hand. With Voiso tight Zoho integration, the Karma Hotels team now has its own customized call center solution, perfectly tailored to its needs

Advances features to provide exceptional customer service

Karma Hotels’ sales department also benefits from the use of the following features to provide their customers with the experience a luxury hotel client is entitled to.

SMS Follow-Up

Voiso gave Karma Hotels the ability to follow up on every conversation with SMS – either during or right after a call. It allows agents to log messages alongside calls and other customer details. And customers always have access to relevant information in their phones – so there’s no need to write down or remember anything. The feature can also be used for inbound and outbound comms, promotional campaigns or sending booking information to customers.

MOS (Mean Opinion Score)

Quality measurement is key. MOS numerically measures the overall quality of an event or experience as judged by humans. It ranks the quality of voice sessions on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 represents flawless quality and 1 represents a totally degraded call.

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