Real-Time Dashboards

Total visibility over all interactions

Use our ready-made, insight-rich dashboards or build your own using over 60 performance metrics.

Real-time call center Dashboards
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Your data, on demand

Metrics that matter
Choose from an extensive list of ready-made KPI widgets to include in your dashboards.
AI-driven insights
Go beyond typical KPIs and use smart metrics for keywords, conversation scores, and more.
Customizable widgets
Position and scale any of the dashboard’s KPI widgets to focus on your most critical metrics.
Stay informed
Swiftly react to any issues by setting unique limits for metrics and receiving in-app and email alerts.
Hassle-free reporting
Create reports in a few clicks using handpicked metrics about your business and agents.
Display on any device
On laptops, tablets or wallboards — our responsive dashboards can be displayed anywhere.

Achieve total awareness

Your agents at a glance

Highlight individual performance by including an Agent List on your real-time dashboard.

Monitor over 20 agent-specific metrics — such as average handling time, call duration, hold time, and total calls. Also include their current status and overall quality of calls with Speech Analytics.

Real-Time Dashboards

Simply drag and drop

Customize your dashboards by repositioning and rescaling widgets to highlight your most important metrics.

Need more than one dashboard? No problem — you can create as many as want.

drag and drop call flow builder

60+ KPI widgets

Select from a range of pre-built KPIs spanning critical contact center metrics for your dashboards.

Use metrics to get an overview of:

  • Agents to view their status, activity duration, keyword use, wrap-up codes, and more
  • Inbound to track speed of answer, call durations, call abandons, and queue counters
  • Outbound to monitor total calls made, call dispositions, dial attempts, and campaign status
contact center dashboard

Stay notified

Set up alerts for when particular KPI limits are reached — enabling you to take action faster. Alerts can also be sent to you via email.

Our real-time dashboards allow you to use color coding for when a metric meets a certain threshold.

real-time reporting dashboards

Reporting made easy

Run reports across any metrics and timeframe. You can also schedule reports to be run at any desired interval and automate their delivery via email to selected recipients.

For every interaction handled, a Call Detail Record (CDR) is generated and contains data such as date and time, disposition, notes, and even AI features — such as conversation score and summary.

call center reporting software

Try Real-Time Dashboards for free

Check out Voiso's other features

Flow Builder

Orchestrate and automate your workflows with ease by using just one visual tool.

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Integrate with your trusted business tools

Quickly connect with Voiso in just a few clicks
ai speech analytics features

Get started in less than 24 hours

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What is a Call Center Reporting Dashboard?

A Call Center Dashboard, also known as a Real-Time or Live Dashboard, is a visual command center that provides an up-to-the-minute snapshot of your contact center’s performance. It consolidates key metrics and agent activity into a single, easy-to-understand interface, allowing you to monitor call volume, wait times, agent performance, customer satisfaction, and more – all at a glance.

How do Call Center Reporting Dashboards work?

Call Center Dashboards extract data from customer interactions and display it in charts, graphs and other visuals. Many dashboards offer customization options, allowing you to control and adjust the way your data is displayed. You can select which KPI widgets to include in your Dashboard and organize them how you see fit.

What are the benefits of a Call Center Dashboard?

Call Center reporting Dashboards offesr a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Improved Agent Performance: By monitoring key metrics like average handle time and call resolution rates, you can identify areas where agents need coaching and support. Dashboards can also motivate agents by showcasing their individual and team performance.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Real-time insights into wait times and call volume allow you to proactively address potential issues and ensure customers are being served efficiently.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Call center metrics dashboard provides valuable historical data that can be used to identify trends, optimize staffing levels, and make informed decisions about your contact center operations.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Call center agent performance dashboard lets you identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, in return, you can streamline processes and maximize the productivity of your agents.